Woh! To have the same proportion in the US, we'd need more than 3,200 active callers.
I wonder how many dancers we'd need to keep them all busy..
David Millstone remarked on 9/22/2011 12:24 AM:
--- Luke wrote:
I'm now wondering how many active contra dance callers are out there... I'm
guessing somewhere between 100 and 1000 (for an order of magnitude).
--- end of quote ---
The higher end of your range is probably correct. The Dance Gypsy lists 534 individuals
as leaders of contra dance. Charlie Seelig's dance pages shows just under 500 callers,
though that list includes some who are not in the US and some who are callers of squares
or English country dance but not contras.
As an interesting pint of comparison, to illustrate how excited the Danes have been about
contras and traditional squares, in that country of about 5.5. million people, over the
last 30 years about 500 people have been trained as callers. In any given year, there are
about 60-75 active callers.
David Millstone
Lebanon, NH
Callers mailing list