Barbara G asked:
Any comments/suggestions on making a program more
varied? Have been
calling for several years and always seem to fall back on several
dances over and over, which I would like to avoid (bad habits). Thanks.
I have benefited greatly in this regard from the "Program Planning
Matrix" that is published by New England Folk Festival
Association. I prefer to call contras and this tool is very helpful
in highlighting dances that have similar "semi distinctive actions"
that will often make dances be perceived by the dancers as "similar
to that earlier dance." Larry Jennings included this matrix near the
end of his book "Give-And-Take." I don't know of anywhere else it is
available. If someone does perhaps they can make that known.
I now use this matrix in my program planning process. I have entered
the matrix data into my database of contras so I can now quickly view
my entire program in the matrix format and spot repetitive moves and
clusters of figures that could become boring for dancers. The matrix
is also useful in helping me to spot gaps in my catalog of
dances. Then I can look for something specific like "easy to medium
dances that have a shift-to-progress but without a gypsy" to round
out my database for more varied programs.
I hope this helps.
- Greg