For those who already offer child care - have you looked into the liability insurance
issue? Does the CDSS insurance cover this. I suspect it might not - having a separate
charge would seem to make it a separate type of service not covered. This would seem to
make it risky.
Mac McKeever
From: Andrea Nettleton <twirly-girl(a)>
To: Caller's discussion list <callers(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Callers] Callers Digest, Vol 98, Issue 12
Since you already know of these families, maybe you could organize and have a
sleep over for all the kids or agree to all come and throw bedding down for the kids to
sleep on at the dance. That way even if a parent always needs to be there, you only each
have to sit out one or two. If the babes are sleeping by the second half, you can all
dance the entire half. If you had one sitter or one parent who stayed home to watch all
the kids in one house, that is still better than each family having to split up or pay a
separate sitter. Mainly I wish you luck finding a venue for a weekend dance. We have had
some luck using university ballrooms by being co-sponsored by a campus dance club. Monday
nights are definitely harder to swing than our Friday night.
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 24, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Meg Dedolph <meg.dedolph(a)> wrote:
Andrea brings up a great point, and one that I'd
like to address in my own
dance community. My husband and I are the only couple that attends dances
with our young child (4) although I know of at least three other families
in our age range, with kids, who have stopped dancing.
I think the biggest part of it is the time. In Chicago, we dance on Monday
nights, so parents with school-aged kids are not inclined to come out. When
our child gets older and has to be in bed earlier, I'm not sure what we're
going to do. We may end up trading weeks - one parent dances, the other
stays home - or we may end up not coming as often as we do now. Good grief,
we have trouble finding childcare when we are touring as a band and write
in advance to ask for help in locating a reliable local teen or college
student to watch our son on site.
It would be fun if there were a weekend dance, or a family dance, but so
far, finding a venue for either has been difficult.
I'm definitely interested in hearing what other communities have done about
retaining or otherwise serving this particular group ... good conversation!
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