So...I'm finally getting around to getting my (small) collection of
squares I feel comfortable with typed up, and am trying to get some
breaks typed up too. One that I wanted to include was a grand square.
There isn't much to type for it (1 2 3 turn...repeat), but I thought I
would make a list of some of the variations on it. Here's what I've got
Sides/Heads face
Ladies face your partner
Gents face your partner
Star thru grand square (when you meet someone, star thru when you turn)
Any other favorites?
I remember one that was on a diagonal, but I can't remember who faced
where --
There's also the grand square canon, but I can't remember who is in
which group
Finally, it's been long enough since I've done a grand square that I
don't remember what's generally done to fill the other 32 counts...
Durham, NC