I'm struggling with the same question - but I have to add that I've
been leaning toward book, because in spite of all the comments about
the ease of having stuff as a website, I have no idea how to set up a
website. A friend of mine just spent weeks trying to set up a website
and finally has one page where the links don't work very well and it
isn't centered. So I'm not excited about trying to put one together.
The other concern I suppose is that paper is archival - 200 years
from now someone can look at a book. Will a website still exist? Will
the technology have changed and old websites be superceded by new
formats? What about publishing as a PDF file, and sending interested
parties a printable copy? Or burning a CD with a PDF and giving that
to people? Or a Word or Excel file, set up so that cards could be
printed out?