Hello Chip,
I am interested in calling the Norwich dance on May 24. I am a contra
dance caller based in Brooklyn, NY. I call in NYC and the nearby tri-state
area, but will be staying near Brattleboro over Memorial Day weekend (going
to the Dawn Dance.) If you're interested or want more info, let me know.
Marty Fager
On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Chip Hedler <chiph(a)rumney.org> wrote:
Hello, esteemed caller colleagues!
The 4th Saturday dance in Norwich, Vermont needs to quickly find a caller
for this month! $75 guaranteed, more if a huge number of dancers turn out.
Fairly diverse range of skills, music by the house band, Cuckoo's Nest. I'd
call if I wasn't playing in the band (though it might come down to that).
Besides filling the slot this month, if anyone is interested in joining the
list of regular callers for this dance, we're looking into that as well.
Let us hear from you!
Chip Hedler
Callers mailing list