You may reply to the whole list or to me personally: acann(a)
I will compile all lists and, when the project's done, post the
compilation and their paper/presentation so all the rest of us theory
wonks can read it too!
1a - Can you list your three favorite transitions (sequence of two
figures) in terms of flow, how they connect?
1b - What about your three least favorite?
2a - What is the dance that embodies the words flowing, elegant, smooth
the most to you?
2b - What is the dance that embodies them the least?
3a - Are there any dances you know and love, that are wonderfully
satisfying, but are not necessarily smooth or flowing?
3a - Why do these dances work, if it's not the flow?
Note: the students will not see your answers to Question 3a at first.
We're going to let them discover the other "satisfyers" on their own --
good story line, social tension and reward, the "oh cool, that's so
ingenious!" factor.