My favorite down the hall features a middle gent swap 2 ladies at the
bottom of the hall and an invert the line that leads into a swing at the
top of the hall, very unusual
*Invertro Flirtilization * by Jim Hemphill improper
A1 Neighbor balance and swing
A2 Down the hall in lines of 4, middle gent turns both ladies, right hand
high, left hand low and up the hall you go
B1 Invert the line, 1's arch, lady 2 lead thru and swing your partner
B2 Circle left 3 places
Balance the circle and California twirl
B1: The "Invert the Line" move is a fun way to enter a swing as long as
there is a lady on the left and gent on the right end of the line of 4.
The 1's make and arch as they bend the line to cross the set, The lady on
the left bends the line and leads her partner thru the arch to cross the
set. For couple 2 the transition into a swing is like a circle left then
swing. Couple 1 can have some fun with twirls out of the arch into the
swing if lady 1 holds onto gent 2 and goes thru the arch herself.