I applaud Mark for all his efforts to spread contra dancing. But I have to
ask what is the purpose of firedancing/hooping while calling? I would argue
that this is an unnecessary distraction and puts the focus on the caller
instead of on the dancers. Am I supposed to watch this person
firedance/hoop while I am trying to contra dance? I hope that organizers
will ask if this "innovation" is really making the dancing more enjoyable,
or simply for the sake of being "different." My personal opinion is that
the caller should be as invisible as possible - call clearly and get out of
the way of the dancers. There are certainly callers who contribute beyond
the calls such as Beth Molero and Nils Fredland's with their wonderful
singing voices and other callers who may clog or play spoons or some other
contribution to the experience. But firedancing/hooping is a distraction
from the dance, not a contribution to it.
May Burning Man contra grow and thrive for years to come!
JoLaine Jones-Pokorney
"We are as gods and might as well get good at it!"
- Stewart Brand