On 2025-02-04 3:35 a.m., Mo via Contra Callers wrote:
Hello callers,
Apologies for the non-contra question: I'm looking for a dance that a
musician remembers and would like called. He pictures trios facing
around a circle like spokes, waltzing somehow and the middle dancer
progressing to the next trio.
At the Caller's Box, this is "Circle of
Threesomes" formation, with single
Currently, there are 20 such, but none of them involves waltzing, or is
paired with waltz-time music.
I don't think waltzing would fit very well in that formation. If two in each
threesome are waltzing, that leaves out the third. You could have (e.g.) the
center person waltz with each other person in turn, but that would take up a
lot of time. (Say, 8 bars each, 16 bars total of waltzing?)
More significantly, waltzing is asymmetric, so if the dance doesn't want
awkward pairings, it would have to dictate (e.g.) that each trio consists of
one 'lead' between two 'follows', with no rearrangement after the
progression. Which is not unheard of, but the examples are fairly old, and
might not go over that well these days (depending on the context).