I'm looking for a circle dance called, I believe, "Shoofly Swing". Cubby
Whitehead used to end every evening with it in Bradenton Florida in the late 1980s. It
involves one couple starting with an allemande right, lady then allemandes next gent by
left, then partner by right, next gent by left, and so on. After the allemanding partners
have passed you by, you and your partner join until the whole circle is peeling off in one
amazing mass of allemandes.
Anyone have it?
I've just joined the list, have been calling for two years, and appreciate the support
of the community. I plan to try Microchasmic soon for our weekly Monday night dance,
where the level of dancing is, surprise surprise, improving as we three local callers try
more challenging dances. Not a lot of contracorners going on. This triplet might be just
the thing.
Gretchen Caldwell
Charlotte NC