John Sweeny wrote:
On 5/22/2013 9:10 AM, John W Gintell wrote:
If you and the person you are do-si-doing and spin
exactly once you
can both keep your eyes on each other.
And we call it a gypsy...
If you and the next opposite role person up/down the
line don't spin
you can both keep your eyes on each other, and then when you get back
to place there is the person you were do-si-doing in front of you.
And it's
sorta what we now call a mad-robin do si do...
As far as folded arms or spinning goes: I see all those inexperienced
dancers crossing their arms and having a great time doing a do si do and
it just brings me joy! Why get in the way of such pleasure?
There are times I see "experienced" dancers spinning and then not
knowing which way to face at the when it's done and I end up having to
teach that a do si do starts facing someone and ends facing that same
direction. I like spins, but also know which way to face at the end.
~erik hoffman
oakland, ca