Attn: Callers/ Southern NH
Does anyone know of a hall that can be rented for small dollars
Every other month (or so)
. For a Sunday afternoon
or weekday evening???
(my experience is: halls are hard to come by and expensive
in seacoast NH)
A smaller venue than a normal dance hall will do.
A central location would be great (Concord Area?)
What I am thinking about is doing a callers workshop/open stage
all callers would be welcome!
to try out new (to us) dances and dance moves.
Invite musicians so they can work on new tunes/ jam
Invite local dancers (guinea pigs) to try out dances
I have been to kitchen junckets and those work with a limited
number of dancers.
If all participants chip in a couple of bucks for hall rent it could be
An enjoyable way to work out the kinks in dances and gain some
feed back/experiance.
Something to hash around
Thanks Gale
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