On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 8:55 PM, Martha Edwards <meedwards(a)westendweb.com> wrote:
Here's a funny little oddity concerning the care
and keeping of new dancers:
Although we've done a good job here of developing a fairly large group of
accomplished dancers who like to make sure newcomers have good partners, our
efforts occasionally backfire. One of our callers believes that newcomers
always insist on dancing together, and therefore calls dances early in the
evening that have lots of neighbor, and not much partner, interaction.
So there you are, having asked a newcomer to dance, and you watch somewhat
helplessly as they dance with other newcomers while you dance with their
experienced partner!
And no, asking for a change in this plan has not worked...
Speaking as someone else who goes heavy on the neighbor interaction early on.
Yes, but on the flip side you're helping all the other newcomers in
the line. And you're in the general vicinity for emergency assists and
-Chris Page
San Diego