Here's my (.02)x2:
Re: getting into the diamond position/describing it verbally:
Comparing it to a clock or a baseball diamond seems to get most people on
Re: the claps:
As a dancer, I mourn the passing of yet one more instance of
"conversational" eye contact -- a lot of newer dancers now look down and
away, sort of over their own shoulder, as they clap, and the group persona
is lost.
Again, as a dancer, I mourn the passing of the well-connected circle: the
brief, tenuous rings that get created in between the claps these days are
really just windowdressing, they aren't usually connected enough to USE to
pull into the balance, or push off of into the turn.
As a player, I put up with them. Barely. And in a hall with a nice long
delay, where I hear those claps on bounceback, half a second after the
beat that I just PLAYED? Argh.