Chrissy wrote:
I have been wondering about something lately and
wanted to know what others
think, and what's usual and customary in your experience as callers learning
from other callers.
Say, for example, that I want to learn from another
caller and go to a dance
specifically and particularly to observe what he/she does. I am simply going
to sit on the side of the hall and take it all in. Do I have to pay admission
for that dance since I am not dancing? Why or why not?
"Have to" depends on local policy. But I really think you ought to.
Why? Because you're benefiting from the event happening. (Whether you're just
watching the caller or just listening to the band, and not dancing, nonetheless
there wouldn't be any point for you in being there if somebody hadn't rented
the hall and hired the band and the caller.)
Pay the door fee and help the organizers pay the rent. I think it's only fair.
-- Alan
Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 650/926-3056
Paper mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 99, 2575 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025