Take another look at Ted's Triplet #3. The dip-and-dive figure is very accessible and,
if people dip when they should dive, everyone laughs and it becomes part of the fun.
Although I can't recall Ted's last triplet, #41, from memory, I do remember it
being quite accessible too, so you might check on it if you (understandably) didn't
review all 41 dances. ... Bob
On Mar 27, 2012, at 1:24 PM, JoLaine Jones-Pokorney wrote:
I am calling a dance this Friday night for a small
town in Florida that is
trying to start a contra dance series in their community hall. I have
several ONS-type dances that I use for weddings, but what I don't have is
very very easy dances for low numbers. This is their first event so we
could see 5 or 6 people. I need to make sure they have fun or it will be
the end of their dreams of a contra community! I've looked at Ted's
Triplets, but they are too complex for a group that has never contra danced
before. What are suggestions for ultra easy ONS-type dances that would
also work for very low numbers?
JoLaine Jones-Pokorney
"We are as gods and might as well get good at it!"
- Stewart Brand
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