Here is a link to one of my recent dances, "The Balter Dance," not written with
beginners in mind...
A caller described her experience calling this at a local dance (which usually attracts
a relatively large number of beginners)
"I called a couple of your dances tonight. there were totally brand new
dancers in the
mix- folks with not even other dance experience- so even basic stuff required like
3 walk-thrus.
We did Dave Found The Missing Coffee Cup, and Balter Dance.
Balter Dance was particularly well received for its chains for both ladies and
which is rare, and works beautifully with the alternating stars.
One person commented that it was great for helping new dancers, since you're
physical contact with either a partner or neighbor almost all the time, so you
get lost or wander in the wrong direction."
Does anyone have other dances with connectivity making them appropriate for crowds with a
high proportion of beginners?