If anyone wants a free Bento database for dances, write me off list. Bento is a friendlier
database also by the Filemaker folks. It's easy for you to add and drop fields to make
it work best for your needs. With it you sync your dances across your Mac, iPad, iPhone
and/or iPod touch. Bento is not available for Windows.
I like to edit the choreo on my desktop, but also be able to quick capture one while at a
dance and clean it up later. It can record audio, or still pictures (of a caller's
choreo card for instance) for even easier field notes.
It will not "quick enter" calls in a standard notation like Callers Companion.
It will not give you a program breakdown by call. You can form programs using the
collections feature, but this feels crude.
http://www.filemaker.com/products/bento/ (Bento you have to buy on your own but it's
pretty cheap.)