Hi Polly,
I'm having trouble understanding the movement you describe. I've added my
to your description. Is this what you envision?
Improper, 1's between 2's, line of four down
the hall, gent #1 turns
anticlockwise 180 degrees
in place holding both ladies who pivot around him.
(so lady 1 is moving forwards and lady 2 is moving backwards)
Gent #2 turns alone.
Return the line, this time lady #2 (center lady) is the pivot point for both gents.
Lady #2 turns anticlockwise 270 degrees acting as the pivot for the two gents
(so gent #1 moves forward and gent #2 moves backwards).
Lady #1 "bends-the-line" alone
gent #1 crosses over and turns around (anticlockwise) to stand in place
beside her
both facing in, lady on the right.
I'd worry about lady 2 and gent 2 sudden change of direction if the centers of
the pivots remain strictly on their spots, however dancers could smooth it out
by the first pivot starting more like casting around lady #2, and the second
pivot more like casting around gent #2.
It will be fun to try it out. Have you written a dance using it? A hey following
your move would
flow nicely.
Cheers, Bill