Here are two dances by Cary Ravitz that use the hands-across grip in a
star. Both feature the flow from star to allemande or chain. I also
specify a hands-across grip in several dances where there is a
"balance the star" move before or after turning the star, though I
don't have those figures handy right now. I don't have any that
specify the cogwheel star, and with most stars I let the crowd do the
"default" star for that area.
Dancing Spell
Cary Ravitz 9-98
Improper contra
A1 - Neighbors balance and swing (16).
A2 - Circle left (8).
- Star left using a hands across star (8).
B1 - Men allemande left 1+1/2 (8).
- Partners swing (8).
B2 - Right and left through across (8).
- Ladies chain across (8).
Cary Ravitz 7-95
Improper contra
A1 - Neighbors take right hands and balance (4).
- Neighbors box the gnat (4).
- Star right using a hands across star (8).
A2 - Ladies chain across to your partner (8).
- Star left using a hands across star (8).
B1 - Ladies turn out and partners gypsy and swing (16).
B2 - Circle left 3/4 and pass through up and down (8).
- New neighbors do-si-do (8).
Alternate B1, can be called as ladies' choice
B1 - Ladies turn in and partners gypsy by the left (4).
- Partners turn alone clockwise and swing (12).
For callers up to medleys, I have had success teaching Starburst and then
switching to Dancing Spell, but only if the crowd has seen a right-and-left
thru that evening.
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 05:45:48 GMT
From: "crunchymama(a)" <crunchymama(a)>
Subject: [Callers] Star grips was Re: Star Promenade
To: callers(a)
Message-ID: <20070416.224645.5614.2814317(a)>
Content-Type: text/plain
In reference to "Sounds Like a Match" by Lynn Ackerson, it seems to
me like the A1 would be a little smoother with a Southern style star
than a New England style? Has anyone found this to be the case?
Our local dance must have been started by Yankees as we typically
use the wrist grip. I've been enjoying Bill Olson's "The Eggbeater"
but I have to remember to specify the Southern grip for it when
teaching the walkthrough.
Are there any dances that you all enjoy dancing/calling that do
better with one particular style of star?
-Alison Murphy in Memphis TN
Jerome Grisanti