On 2/23/2014 4:58 PM, Sue Robishaw wrote:
I'm looking for a few interesting circle (or longways) mixers for
5-10 cpl size group who are beyond Lucky 6/7 but still learning. Along
the lines of Cabot School Mixer maybe. I have plenty of easy mixers for
new dancers, and many nice ones for 3-4 cpls, but could use a few more
in the middling range. Recommendations appreciated!
Thanks, Sue Robishaw, U.P.M.
I've used the Lancashire Reel with good success and it works fine with
small-to-medium groups. It's a double circle, gents facing out, ladies
facing in. I can't remember where I got this dance. Looking online, I
see versions where the first dosido is the left shouldered-one. I've
found that starting with the "usual" shoulder works fine.
P dosido
On L diagonal, L allemande and back to place.
P seesaw
On R diagonal, R allemande and stay there (new P)
With new P, balance and swing
Promenade the ring, then gents face out, ladies face in.
And how about Levi Jackson Rag (5 cpls)? It's not actually that hard,
and uses basic figures in a fun way. When a set gets through it for the
first time it's a definite high-5 moment.