Here are a couple from St. Louis (
This one might do for beginners (not sure that it teaches the right behavior
for Valentine's Day -though it does kind of drive home the point that "If
he'll do it for you, he'll do it to you.") :
Wandering Gypsies by Billy Boyer
Scatter mixer, 1 couple facing 1 couple
A1 Neighbor gypsy and swing
A2 Partner gypsy and swing
B1 Circle left, Neighbor allemande right *
B2 That neighbor promenade; this is your new partner
Find another couple and wait for the call
*or dosido, or arm right
This next one is probably not okay for beginners, since it's a contra
corners gypsy, but it's a fun dance, espcially if you do the gypsy in the
middle as a "flirt and twirl" (eyes linger as you flip over to your corner).
Gypsy Camp by Bob Green duple PROPER
A1 1. Ones gypsy your partner,
2. Swing your first corner
A2 3. Ones gypsy your partner
4. Swing your second corner
B1. 5.&6 Ones gypsy and swing
B2 7. Down the hall four in line (ones between the twos)
Ones turn as a couple, twos turn alone
8. Come back, twos cast the ones down to progressed place
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Rickey <holt.e(a)> wrote:
I give up. I have been trying to find dances that feature gypsies and that
beginners could enjoy. I am especially interested in dances with more than
one gypsy, and would be even more excited if there was a gypsy right into a
gypsy left (or the reverse), and/or if men gypsy men or women gypsy women.
I tried "American Country Dances on Line", but no multiple gypsy dances. I
even tried writing one - but I do not think that it 'flies'. Any
suggestions. It is for Valentine's Day.
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