In answer to Sue Robishaw <sue(a)> on the subject of "Young
Children at Dance"
Hi, Sue!
I do tons of family dances and get to work with lots of families with kids of all ages,
from pre-ambulatory (not a problem!) on up. My general approach at the beginning of the
evening is to recommend that kids who are too young to ride a bike dance as cling-ons
(hanging onto a parent or other willing friend of the family), rather than as
someone's partner. I then recommend that young kids who can ride bikes but have never
danced before should be partners with an adult. I strongly recommend that young kids not
partner each other unless they have some experience or the dance is specifically intended
for kids.
Recommendations to dancers notwithstanding, I might still end up with a knot of really
young kids intending to dance together. Then it's up to me to adjust--select a dance I
know will work, such as a stripped-down variant of the Virgina Reel or a really, really
easy contra; ask the kids to come up to the front of the line and have adult couples
between the kid couples; come down on the floor and use the kids to demo moves for the
walkthrough--whatever it takes.
If I judge that a contra will work, my favorite never-fail dance for first-timers with
lots of kids is Ellen's Green Jig (it's in "Zesty Contras" among other
Chip Hedler