Some random thoughts:
I sort of agree, in that it probably isn't ideal to name something
that MWSD is already using at Mainstream/Plus level, since that part
isn't too hard, avoiding about a hundred names. Avoiding any name
that's ever been used is going to be problematic, as there's thousands
of obscure ones in dance call dictionaries.
But part of me thinks it isn't that bad. As long as it's defined, and
ideally gives a good context for the movement. And these bizarre rare
moves shouldn't be in a medley in the first place -- medleys sometimes
have a lot to answer for, when it comes to terminology baggage.
There's barriers in translating stuff between cultures. "Allemande"
carries very different baggage between contras and MWSD. Arm turns
fractions in MWSD are determined by facing position, whereas in contra
they're determined by spots on the floor. There's lots of translation
issues already, as we're already speaking different languages. Do you:
Bend the line or face across?
Cast off 3/4 or cast off?
Extend or walk forward?
Fan the top or orbit?
Pass the ocean or pass through to a wave of four?
Sashay or mad robin?
Single circle or two-hand turn?
Spin the top or half celtic knot?
Split circulate or rotate the wave?
Spread or slide as in Rory o' More?
Square thru four or four changes of rights and lefts?
Star thru or twirl to swap?
Touch a quarter or allemande right 1/2?
Two-person star right or allemande right?
U-turn back or turn alone?
Veer or weave the line?
Walk around your corner or gypsy?
Zoom or cast/lead?
(And some of these you may well use the first terminology in contra.
But I'm betting not all of them.)
Another example is "Tag the Line." Look how Mike Richardson/Erik
Weberg uses the move in "Now We Are Three" / "Now We are Four". Then
look at the Callerlab definitions. They're significantly different.
(And I really think some MWSD terms are problematic. "Swing Through"
is the poster child for this, since it sounds so much like "Swing,"
it's bound to be confusing when misheard. And contra dancers are
always listening for a chance to swing. "Star thru" is the other one
for me.)
-Chris Page
San Diego