One of my all-time favourite contra corners dances, to dance and to call,
is Kathy Anderson's Labor of Love, which was written as a Sicilian circle.
It works brilliantly, even the forward and back.
Michael Barraclough (he/him, currently NW UK).
On 25 January 2025 16:59:41 John Sweeney via Contra Callers
<contracallers(a)> wrote:
Hi Rick,
Lots of standard Contra moves will fail completely, such as Long Lines Go
Forward & Back or Down the Hall in Lines of Four.
You would have to pick the dance carefully and made sure it still worked.
Much better to try some existing Sicilian Circles that have been designed
to take advantage of the formation.
Here’s an easy one:
E-mail me if you want some more suggestions.
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a) 01233 625 362 & 07802
940 574 for Dancing in Kent
From: Rick Mohr via Contra Callers <contracallers(a)>
Sent: 25 January 2025 15:36
To: Shared Weight Contra Callers <contracallers(a)>
Subject: [Callers] Sicilian circle to tame end effects?
Many good contras where you leave the minor set aren’t too hard, but have
challenging end effects. One could eliminate the end effects using a
Sicilian circle. I haven't tried it, but wonder whether disorientation from
the curved set would offset the advantages.
If you’ve actually tried it, how did it go?
(...ignoring for the moment that Sicilian circles don't fit every hall or
size of group...)
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