On Jan 11, 2023, at 7:42 PM, Joe Harrington via Contra
Callers <contracallers(a)lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Wow! This has been an amazing thread. Many thanks! (And I look forward to further
Agreed. I’ve really enjoyed it.
Anyone care to compare the computer programs? Are
there more than Colin's and Will's, and has anyone tried both of those? I know
both Colin and Will are here, so we can stick to facts about what they do and have.
I use a custom-made FileMaker Pro database (with slightly separate versions for contras
and for english country dance). I also print the dances out on 8 1/2 x 6 1/2 pages and
carry them in a mini 3-ring binder, sorted by name (and categorization is done in the
database and printed table of contents).
It has trade-offs vs cards. Here are some that come to mind:
* It’s harder to lose and I have a copy on my phone and tablet.
* I don’t have to worry as much about dropping my cards and getting them all out of order
(though that can still happen to the printed notebook).
* It’s easier to make changes, at least in some ways, including global changes (I hesitate
to use the L and R words and derail this conversation, but you get the idea).
* It is easy to search and sort dances.
* In theory I could have multiple tables of contents with different groupings. In practice
I don’t do that; I just have one table sorted by formation.
* Any annotations need to be copied back from the cards to the database.
* It’s harder to riffle through the dances while coming up with a dance program (in
advance or modifying one on the fly), though removing the potential dances from the 3-ring
binder certainly works.
* There's a practical limit to the # of pages I can carry in one binder.
* Mini three-ring binders are harder to find than they used to be (the one I most recently
bought has a different spacing of rings than my old ones, ick).
* FileMaker Pro has gotten expensive.
* The way I get dances onto my phone and tablet is a bit ugly (dance db in the cloud, but
requires a manual step on the phone or tablet to copy the database to FileMaker Go, a free
app from the FileMaker folks).