That’s right; I forgot that I had mistyped (darn copy/paste). It’s supposed
to be three “Petronella” twirls.
On Sat, Jan 4, 2025 at 9:11 AM Michael Dyck via Contra Callers <
contracallers(a)> wrote:
On 2025-01-04 8:09 a.m., Allison and Hunt Smith via
Contra Callers wrote:
[...] Perhaps one of you can identify it for me.
A1 Bal. & Sw Nbr (16)
A2 M Allemande LEFT 1 ½ to Ptn (8)
Swing Partner (8)
B Balance the ring, petronella twirl 4X,
Pass through to new Nbr.
4 petronella twirls (assuming they're all in the same direction)
puts you back where you started, i.e. on the side with your partner.
From there, it doesn't make sense to pass through to a new neighbor.
So I'm guessing that the pass though is *instead of* the 4th petronella.
(Balance & petronella x 3, then balance & pass through)
If so, then it's basically "Valentine Stomp" by Jan Larsen:…
The only difference is in the A2, where the men pull by left and swing
partner for ~12 instead of allemande 1.5 and swing partner for 8.
It's also similar to "Stomping B's" by Claire Takemori,
which is based on "Kitchen Stomp" by Becky Hill
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