That brings up the question of what is a Becket? In my mind defining
element, besides the starting position, is the couples progressing
along the side of the set, and around the end without having to switch
places while waiting out.
This one appears to be a conventional duple improper dance, except
with the A and B parts switched so couples happen to be on the same
side as starting position. That is, progression happens at start of B
with partners on opposite sides of the set.
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Michael Barraclough
<michael(a)> wrote:
Does anyone have this dance already?
A1 Partner balance and box the gnat, ending in a long wavy line
Partner balance right and left, Rory O'More spin right
A2 Balance the ring and petronella spin right one place
Balance the ring and partner California Twirl
B1 New neighbor balance and swing
B2 Give and take (ladies take, partner swing)
Michael Barraclough
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