Meander* -- Andrea Nettleton
2x Prog
*A1*Circle L 3/4
N Sw
*A2*LL F&B
Ladies Chain
*B1*On L Diagonal Pass Thru
teaching: just after pass thru, freeze -- look slightly left
for new gent
New Gents Alle L 1x
*B2*P Gypsy Gents pass L Sh1/2 Hey
P Sw
Works best if you start with a couple out at the bottom -- that way you
get to swing everyone, and folks have somoene to pass through to at the
On 3/14/2012 12:17 AM, tavi merrill wrote:
So, based on a few favorite dances with distinctive
diagonal moves, i
cooked up the idea for a one-hour festival slot themed around
diagonals. Currently, the lineup is Gene Hubert's "Diagonal Dillema", Rick
Mohr's "Ellen's Yarns", Carol Ormand's "Life, the Universe,
Everything", and Russel Owen's "Are You Most Done Yet". They're
dances, but suddenly i can't help wishing i had a broader palette of
distinctive diagonal options in order to craft a truly excellent program
with a lot of contrast between dances. Aside from Rick Mohr's "Dr. Bluhm's
Delight", Gene Hubert's "Reunion", and Penn Fix's "North
Cascades", which
i'm aware of....
does anybody have favorite intermediate to eXpert-level diagonal dances
they'd be compelled to share?
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