Recently, after two years of calling full nights at various locations in NY metro area, I
had to be evaluated while calling a full night for a dance community. This process may
have seemed overkill but what the process did was to remove subjectivty from the process.
The evaluation form was derived from the Atlanta dance series and here is the link to the
http://www.contradance.org/pdfs/caller_eval.pdf The form is quite extensive.
Also, I agree what has been stated from others that it is very helpful and important to
have a mentor. Someone who would be honest with constructive feedback both good and bad.
When I have taped myself, it is possible to review an evening for areas of improvement and
areas that were well done. The tape doesn't have selective memory like I sometimes
do. A mentor would be able to point out areas for improvement and areas done well.
See ya on the floor,