It works and eliminates end effects - but the dancers
don't like it much
Yeah. I've tried this for English Country Dance, as opposed to Contra,
but I did find that people had inexplicable trouble with it. This was
a long time ago when I was a less-experienced caller, so it could have
been me (and of course it could be me if today too)... but I don't think
it was, at least not entirely.
I would also note that if you have an odd number of couples, you're
still going to have end effects in the vicinity of that one couple who is
out, and even worse, if the dance involves interacting with your future
neighbours (which is likely why you're doing this in the first place),
that out couple might be pulled both ways at once (no ghosts are available
for the end effects involving the couple at the out-couple's backs).
I think that most Contras give the 1s and 2s equal amounts of stuff to
do, but for those which don't, also note that with the Silician Circle,
you always stay 1s or always stay 2s for the whole dance -- you don't
get to try both.
ajr, dancing in and near Toronto, Canada