Bob Dalsemer wrote a contra with flutterwheel:
Jolly Roger
*A1* N balance & sw
*A2* Promenade ccw in the big oval & back
*B1* Flutterwheel & sweep 1/4, pass thru, star thru
*B2* Cir L; L/H star [or 1s swing]
It doesn't have a partner swing. I added the optional 1s swing. Or could
alternate between 1s and 2s.
On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Chris Page|sharedweight-garyes|
<tbjm34yhtt(a)> wrote:
People have been trying adding flutterwheel for
decades, but it's never
stuck. I've only danced it at MWSD contra events.
Some people who've written flutterwheel contras:
Cary Ravitz (Butterflies)
Seth Tepfer (Swingin' on a Star, Split Tree Flutterwheel)
Ken Bonner (several)
Tom Hinds (Ova's Dance, Mixing Bowl, Double Take)
along with a number of lesser known choreographers.
Flutterwheel isn't quite the same as gent's chain, as the initial momentum
need is different. And it's not a strongly connected figure.
So maybe it's just that it's not really needed, and it's not that exciting
a figure. Or it could be because it comes from MWSD.
It also may appear more in British contras, where there's more
cross-pollination of moves.
-Chris Page
San Diego