From Maia: how different should your dance be from
the original to merit giving it a new name and calling it a "variation"?
If you you feel neither sheepish not guilty about doing so. If in doubt, the new
name can play upon the name of the original.
Here's one time I ever had to think about this issue.
Carina, Improper by Al Olson (published in Zesty Contras):
A1: Dsd partner 1 1/4 to make a single long wave (right hand to partner, left hand
to same sex N)
Bal rt, then left, Alm Rt P
A2 Alm left same sex person, sw P, end facing neighbors.
B1: Circle left, sw N
B2 W ch over and back
More Carina, Improper by Michael Fuerst
A1 Cir L, N sw
A2 W chain over and back
B1 P's Dsd 1 1/4 to form a long wavy he-he-she-she line in center containing all
dancers (right hand joined with partner, men's left hands joined with their next male
neighbor, women's left hands joined with current female neighbor). Balance rt, then
lt, P's alm rt once around.
B2 Left sh Gypsy same sex person who had been in left hand P sw in center, end facing
new neighbors.
Michael Fuerst 802 N Broadway Urbana IL 61801 217-239-5844