You didn't mention when you visited Nelson, but that doesn't matter too
much. Nelson does still need to address all the same problems that dancers
and organizers face everywhere. As Ricky said, we try to address center set
issues (although in Nelson it's actually the Northern set issue), and all
the others that might arise.
In the summer there are usually many more new dancers in Nelson than
experienced dancers. We absolutely depend on the experienced dancers to
dance with and help beginners when that is necessary, and callers say so.
This is even more important because of the open mike for callers, and the
possibility of a new caller trying his or her skills there. There are many
callers in New Hampshire (and probably countrywide), who learned and honed
their skills in the Nelson Town Hall.
And thank you for your observations. It always helps to be reminded that
there are things that can be improved. When problems occur, we'll
apologize, smile, and try again.
Rich Hart.
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 8:36 PM, Dorcas Hand <handd51(a)> wrote:
It's been maybe 10 years since I went - I learned
to dance with Dudley
Laufman in South Amherst in the mid-70's, but I was so disappointed with
the Nelson dance. For an outsider, the center set syndrome was in full
force, and the sides filled with new dancers getting more coaching from me
than from the local dance leadership.
However, I loved the hall and the town, and I'm so glad to have been there
- I haven't rushed back, and wish I wanted to. I know it is an institution
in contra history and I honor it as such. I also am relieved to see that
even such institutions are "human", faced with all the normal issues of
dance communities and undoubtedly struggling to solve them just like the
rest of us.
Dorcas Hand
Houston TX