My dance collection experience with revolving door dances has been... well,
a revolving door. Recently I was cleaning my deck and I chucked a bunch out
because I never called them; then recently at an advanced dance, Will
called a neat one and I remembered how much I like that move, when done
So, now I'm looking to add a few RD dances (back) to my collection: what
are your faves?
(And, as a tangent, how do you do/teach this move? I had always learned it
as an inverse star promenade, including the hand around the waist of the
person you're crossing with, and always found it really awkward—not to
mention sweaty—to assume this position, and to disentangle for drop-off.
More recently, I saw it taught as just taking hands with the person you're
crossing with (as you would in a line of four down the hall), and suddenly
I liked the move a TON more; the momentum was still there, but it was much
easier to engage/disengage. What is everyone else's opinion here?)
Maia McCormick (she/her)