Money Musk called and danced at the Wescustogo Grange Hall, North Yarmouth, Maine.
First dance after the break - about 10:30pm.
Dancers: Five sets of 6 ccouples - 60 dancers
Band: Perpetual eMotion (Ed Howe & John Cote)
Caller: Chrissy Fowler
Did a workshop before the dance, with about 30 dancers. All were enthusiastic and pleased
to be part of the big event. Much hooting and hollering. Loping pace for the tune
(plenty of recovery time for the Money Musk newbies, well-timed elegant styling for the
old hands.) Some people apparently showed up specifically because Money Musk was on the
program, thanks to some some advance publicity. Two sets merged, so a few people
didn't get the chance to be active, because I didn't want to run it too long.
(Though I could have... after all I was at that Ralph Page Legacy Weekend when we danced
it 43x!)
I had practiced so much that I prompted the dance all night long in my sleep. ("Once
and a half around, once and a half and you go below one...")
Wheee! :-)
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