I wrote this one! I wanted a simple dance that followed the AABBCC format,
because all the others I'd found weren't very beginner-friendly. I based
this one on Don Flaherty's Heartbeat Contra, and just expanded a bit. If
anyone gets a chance to call it, please send me feedback! Thank you!
96 Heartbeats, by JJ Luxe.
A1: (16) Balance Ring & Petronella Twirl 2x.
A2: (16) Neighbor Balance & Swing.
B1: (8) Long Lines Fwd & Back.
(8) Robins Chain.
B2: (16) Hey for 4 [Robins start Right].
C1: (16) Partner Balance and Swing.
C2: (8) Circle Left ¾.
(8) Balance Ring and Partner California Twirl,
face new neighbors
On Tue, Aug 1, 2023, 22:29 J L Korr via Contra Callers <
contracallers(a)lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
I love the current discussion of AABBCC dances and
will use this as an
opportunity to encourage the dance composers out there to write more! I
began writing them for two main reasons:
(1) I adore the beautiful 48-bar reels and jigs that many bands can play
if given the opportunity, but rarely get the chance.
(2) There are choreographic storylines that just can't fit into 32 bars of
choreography, but can fit nicely into a 48-bar "story."
With those factors in mind, I wrote Utah Reel which Maia mentioned (turn
all four contra corners plus a diagonal hey), Jabberwocky (a hey on the
side with three neighbors, far outside the minor set), and Three-Day
Weekend (grand right and left all the way through neighbor #5), all
findable in Caller's Box. None of those figures would fit cleanly for me
into a 32-bar dance, but they work with 48 bars and dancers at
challenging/experienced dances can generally handle them. I'm happy to
share tune recommendations and teaching tips with anyone who'd like them,
for any of those dances. (Thanks to Chris Page for feedback during the
composing process for all those dances.)
It's true that, as Bill Olson wrote, dancers need extra prompting nudges
to remember that 48-bar dances go for more than 32 bars. But to me, it's
worth it to get to dance to Reel Beatrice, or Ragtime Annie, or Reel des
Accordéonistes, or lots of other great 48-bar tunes, plus get to do some
fun uncommon figure combinations. I'm sure there are other fun
choreographic storylines just waiting for their chance to star in a 48-bar
dance -- let me know if you write a new one!
Jeremy Korr
Claremont, Calif. / Woods Hole, Mass.
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