So, here's one! Tried it last night with a couple of dancers and it seemed
to work OK.
A Wing & A Wave by John Sweeney
Trios facing AC around a big circle
Music: Chicago (we used Elixir's version) - any 32-bar waltz will do
A1: Waltz Forwards (2); Middle Dancers does Right Hand High, Left Hand
Low to invert the line and all end facing CW (2)
Waltz Forwards (2); End dancers dance to the other end of the line,
passing Left Shoulders into a Wave WHILE Middle dancer Sets R/L (2)
A2: Balance the Wave (F/B) (2); Those holding Right Hands: Allemande
Right WHILE the other dancer orbits AC all the way remake the Wave (4)*;
Balance the Wave (F/B) (2)
B1: Those holding Left Hands: Allemande Left WHILE the other dancer
orbits CW all the way remake the Wave (4)*
Balance the Wave (F/B) (2); Extend (dance forward to the next trio)
B2: Dont make the new Wave, Middle dancer passes dancer on the Right by
the Right Shoulder for a Full Hey finish in a line of three facing AC
* Lots of time for the Allemande; Orbiter has to go a bit faster.
In the second part of A1 the end dancers follow the same path as the " Right
Hand High, Left Hand Low", but without holding hands.
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a) 01233 625 362 & 07802
940 574 for Dancing in Kent