On Sep 23, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Jerome Grisanti wrote:
I enjoyed picturing all those squares you shared -- ...
I enjoyed seeing the descriptions of Beth's squares also,
and I have different question for Beth than Jerome had.
Beth, you described the square "Ladies Chain" (named after
a featured figure) as a "quasi-singing call" and you described
"Heads Arch" as done "with Midwestern patter calling" but your
descriptions of both dances simply state the choreography
without giving the calls. Could you share the "quasi-singing"
words you use for "Ladies Chain" and the patter you use for
"Heads Arch"? If so, it could be helpful if you would also
give some indication of the timing, for example by writing out
the calls 4 or 8 beats to a line with black lines lines
separating 8-bar or 16-bar chunks.
I recognize that call timing can sometimes involve syncopations
or other nuances that are very hard to communicate in print
without the aid of an audio recording. I also recognize that
any caller who wanted to use one of these dances would have the
responsibility of adapting the calls, if necessary, to a form
that he or she could deliver comfortably and effectively to
dancers present. But I'd still be interesting in seeing call
lines that you might use.