I KNOW. I was quite enlightened by my personal google
Its called Microchasimic by Ann Fallon
My mentor, Mike Clark, uses this dance in an evening
where they'll be a contra corner dance for a mixed
crowd. Its interesting enough for those who know the
move, but in its intimate setting clear enough for the
newer dancer to understand and be successful with. I
did it this evening, there were a number of people who
were new enough to not have encountered
'contra cornerS' and I taught it so a newer caller
would not have "fresh meat" when she tried to teach
her dance later in the evening. Its also easy to
I know blah blah blah.
Here's the dance:
Proper/ 3x3/ longways
Forward and Back
Partner Do-si-do (all)
Actives (in the middle) Contra corners
EVERYONE balance and swing Partner
Face up to the music
Peel the Banana
Top couple arch all dive through
Actives are now tops, tops bottoms, new actives
--- Liz and Bill <staf186(a)ext.canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
Hi Laurie,
You've got my curiosity up. What is the
dance? An easy dance using contra corners would
be useful. I'm aware of some of those triplets.
I've not been able to find it with google.
(Note googling "microchasmic dance" finds
"representing a microchasmic portion within the
infinite spectrum of hues that decide our ...
Thin, scaly fingers dance across the cooling
flesh" which might be a good story line for a
dance, but it's not a contra site).
Cheers, Bill
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