My complaint about Sicilian circles (as a dancer) is you only dance with half the hall unless you find neighbors that you can switch directions with.
Ben W
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2025, at 6:04 AM, John Sweeney via Contra Callers <contracallers(a)> wrote:
> Hi Claire,
> You can see the Zia formation at if you scroll down a bit. It is a square with contra lines radiating from the sides. There are some example dances there as well.
> I set Sicilian Circles up by getting the dancers to make a Circle, then tell one couple to face another couple and work around the circle telling each couple which way to face. Experienced dancers will see what is happening and quickly start sorting themselves out.
> Happy dancing,
> John
> John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a) 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574
> for Dancing in Kent
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> Contra Callers mailing list -- contracallers(a)
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Subject: Re: [Callers] Re: Sicilian circle to tame end effects?
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 14:57:10 +0000
From: Mo Waddington <mjw(a)>
To: Ben Werner <benknobi89(a)>
Yes I also dance at a club with 20 -24 dancers each week. You start
meeting the same couples. But (ceilidh) dances like lucky 7 or circle
waltz are worse, you might only dance with 2 or 3 partners.
On 27/01/2025 14:28, Ben Werner via Contra Callers wrote:
> My complaint about Sicilian circles (as a dancer) is you only dance
> with half the hall unless you find neighbors that you can switch
> directions with.
> Ben W
> Sent from my iPhone
Many good contras where you leave the minor set aren’t too hard, but have
challenging end effects. One could eliminate the end effects using a
Sicilian circle. I haven't tried it, but wonder whether disorientation from
the curved set would offset the advantages.
If you’ve actually tried it, how did it go?
(...ignoring for the moment that Sicilian circles don't fit every hall or
size of group...)
Hi all,
A contra I used to call reasonably often 10-15 years ago popped into my
head the other day. I can't find it in my cards, which makes me think the
reason I stopped calling it is that I lost the card. Can someone ID it, and
tell me what the B2 is? (I'm gonna guess R&L through, circle 3/4, pass
through, but there are lots of possibilities.)
duple improper
A1 Current neighbors right hand star; previous neighbors left hand star
A2 Dosido current neighbor 1-1/4 to wavy lines; balance wave; allemande R
1/2; allemande L 1/2
B1 Balance and swing partner
B2 ??
St. Paul, MN
I haven't been a contra caller for many years, but last night I dreamt I
was at a dance and the caller did not show up. There were no other callers
in attendance. So I got up there wondering what dances I knew by heart. I
think I knew how A Nice Combination went. Then I woke up and thought about
it some more. I decided that every dance venue should keep a dance program,
with instructions, somewhere.
Gary in Santa Barbara
Hello, all. I am mentoring a wanna-be caller who took notes when she first
went to dances 40 years ago and wants to try one of those dances. She
thinks it went like the following. Can anyone identify it? Thanks!!
*A-1 Neighbor balance and swing (16)A-2 Circle left (8)
Partners do-si-do (8)B One's swing in center (end up where you
started!) (8)*
* Chain over and back (16) Star Right - around to NEW
neighbor (8)*
AI is invading our lives, but can sometimes be useful — for example,
ChatGPT is pretty good at reformatting contra dances!
In Philly we have mostly multi-caller evenings, where the coordinator gets
dance submissions from many callers (in many formats), creates a program,
and sends out the result. Sometimes the program looks like a fruit salad of
formats, but (OCD?) I like everything to be concise and uniform.
See example below, where ChatGPT unifies dances in 4 formats — Callers Box,
one posted here, my website, and Bob Isaacs’ format. It took a few tries to
refine the instructions (and I only tried this one output format), but in
the end it’s a pretty amazing result from minimal instructions in plain
My Instructions to ChatGPT
Please reformat the contra dances below as follows:
Format dance headers as e.g. “Title (Author) Formation”
If formation is omitted, use “Duple Improper”
Format part names as e.g. “A1: ”.
Eliminate beat counts for figures (like “8”).
Put a part’s figures on one line, separated by commas, no period or spaces
at the end.
And this is important — format as plain text, do not format as markdown.
Centrifugal Hey
by Gene Hubert
Permission: full License: CC-BY-NC
FormationBase: Duple Minor
- Improper
Progression: Single
(8) Neighbor allemande
1 & 3/4
(8) Men <>
<> left
1 & 1/2
(16) Hey
(16) Partner swing
(8) Right and left through
(6) Circle left
(2) Pass through
Stars are Aligned
by Lisa Sieverts
LH Star
RH Star
P Do Si Do (on side)
P Swing
Whole Set Oval Left
Whole set Oval Right
LH Star, on to the next, partners moving along the line
*Trip to Trillium* Bob Isaacs Becket-L
A1. 8 Circle L ¾
8 w/Partner weave the line past
two (1)
A2. 8 w/N3 square through three
8 N2 swing
B1. 8 Robins chain to partner
8 ½ hey (RR, N2L, LR, -)
B2. 4,12 Partner balance, swing
By Rick Mohr; September 2017
Contra, BecketCaller's Box
Level: Easy/Intermediate
3/4 Hey *(larks pass left shoulders to start)* (12)
Robins allemande left (4)
Gypsy and swing neighbor (16)
Right and left through (8)
Circle right (8)
*(With next couple)* Circle left 3/4 (6)
Swing partner (10)
Output from ChatGPT
Centrifugal Hey (Gene Hubert) Duple Improper
A1: Neighbor allemande right 1 & 3/4, men allemande left 1 & 1/2
A2: Hey (PR, WL, NR, ML, PR, WL, NR, ML)
B1: Partner swing
B2: Right and left through with partner, circle left 3/4, pass through
along (NR)
Stars are Aligned (Lisa Sieverts) Becket CCW
A1: Left-hand star, right-hand star
A2: Partner do-si-do, partner swing
B1: Whole set oval left, whole set oval right
B2: Forward and back, left-hand star on to the next, partners moving along
the line
Trip to Trillium (Bob Isaacs) Becket Left
A1: Circle left 3/4, with partner weave the line past two
A2: With N3 square through three, N2 swing
B1: Robins chain to partner, half hey (RR, N2L, LR)
B2: Partner balance, swing
Fluidity (Rick Mohr; September 2017) Becket
A1: Three-quarter hey (larks pass left shoulders to start), robins
allemande left
A2: Gypsy and swing neighbor
B1: Right and left through, circle right
B2: With next couple circle left 3/4, swing partner
I've got a circle mixer that I collected 15-20 years ago. The caller may
have been Becky Hill, maybe not. It's for a 32-bar waltz. I'm searching for
the title and author.
Starts with a ring of couples all facing the center:
A1 Balance forward & back, roll away (ladies/robins moving in front from
Left to Right), Repeat
A2 Repeat twice more
B1 As couples, face center connected by usual hands (gents/larks right,
ladies/robins left). Balance while turning away back (together), then
(letting go) turn symmetrically away to face out and take other hands.
Balance away and together, turn symmetrically away to face each other
B2 Take the ballroom position, take two waltz steps (step, close, step,
close) into circle, then two steps out, then free waltz four waltz steps,
ending by unfolding to reform a circle.
Thanks for whatever help you can provide!
Jerome Grisanti
Jerome Grisanti
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power
and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hello all,
Oftentimes at One Night Gigs, I'll do a mix of circle and longways set
dances. With scatter mixers and specialty dances, I can fill an evening.
But sometimes I get a group that "wants contras" or is looking to grow
their familiarity with the dance form.
I think Becket dances without lark/robin distinctions and no neighbor swing
are AN easy option into "hands-four" contras. There are other ways in, but
I'm looking for more Beckets that match that description. For a while I've
had "Pluck It" in my box as a friendly option:
Pluck It
A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right
A2 -----------
(8) Left hand Star
(8) Right hand Star
B1 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing
B2 -----------
(8) Neighbor Do-si-do across set
(8) Long lines, yearn left
This is, in my opinion, pretty close to the traditional mixer Scatter Shot
but done as a keeper in Becket. (It does have a DSD across the set, which
in a recent thread was listed as a no-no for some callers. While I wouldn't
use that move at a dance weekend, for One Night gigs I think it's
accessible and acceptable). You don't have to teach ballroom swing, and if
folks want to elbow swing and swap roles with their partner it doesn't
really impact the dance (this is a small advantage of Becket over improper
for this type of dance; different position on the side is less disorienting
than different side of the set).
What other Becket dances do folks have that don't rely on roles? No larks
allemande or robins chain, etc.
On the drive home from my gig last night I came up with this one (which may
already exist), written for Naomi who organizes the community dance I was
A Pillar of Weathersfield
A1 -----------
(8) Balance the ring and spin to the right (petronella)
(8) Balance the ring and spin to the right (petronella)
A2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing, end facing down the hall
B1 -----------
(8) Down the hall, four in line (turn as couples)
(8) Return and face across
B2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Promenade across the Set, turn as a couple and progress
(Go between the ones you danced with, passing by left shoulder, and the new
couple on your right, turn to take hands with new couple)
I'd be curious what else folks have that they use for entry-level contras
when you don't have a critical mass of experience for improper dances with
neighbor swings.
Luke Donforth
Burlington, VT