Since the move called Mad Robin has been mentioned so often, I hope you
consider calling the eponymous English dance (billed as such, of course,
don't want to cause riots). Easy enough for dedicated contra dancers but
different enough (proper, and with 2-hand turns instead of swings) to offer
variety. And if people want to substitute swings, they may. And how they
end that swing can offer some other interesting variations.
Frankly, I find that an occasional two-hand turn in a contra offers plenty
of potential for flirtation (with room for it to remain merely friendly).
Jerome Grisanti
For the good are always the merry,
Save by an evil chance,
And the merry love the fiddle
And the merry love to dance. ~ William Butler Yeats
I just wrote a dance and wanted to know if it's unique. I'm pretty
sure the A1 is borrowed from another dance.
A1 Circle left. Mad Robin (face partner and do-si-do neighbor).
A2 Hey, women pass left shoulders
B1 Women pass left shoulders and swing partner
B2 Ladies chain, forward and back.
5. Re: Suggestions for particularly flirty contra dances?
(Maia McCormick)
Another flirty dance originally written for Valentines day. It's not a
simple dance but the Poussette - "Cupids Hey" sequence is very flirty
*Cupid's Hey* improper by Jim Hemphill
A1 Long lines forward (4) then poussette* (6), Start Cupids hey (6),
A2 Partner Gypsy and Swing
B1 Promenade
Ladies Chain
B2 Ladies allemande right once around
Neighbor swing
*Teaching notes: A1 The Poussette is not quite a half way around, starting
from the center, gents start backing, ladies forward, clockwise around the
other couple. As couples come back towards center in poussette, drop hands
as ladies backing across pass each other. Cupid's hay; While maintaining
the face to face orientation of the poussette, looking cross set at your
partner, couples slide to the side, ladies left/gents right so ladies pass
each other face to face, gents will see the back of their neighbor as they
slide by in front. Couples then step, ladies back gents forward, and slide
to the side the other way, ladies right/gents left so gents pass face to
face, then continue across into a gypsy.