> John Sweeney said,
> We have slices, double slices and half slices as well.
Just curious, can you tell us how to dance a double slice and a half
slice? It's great to have all of these different ideas when writing
I just received this and thought I would pass it along to Shared Weight. The Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend is January 18-20 in Durham, New Hampshire. For information about the weekend: http://ralphpage.neffa.org/
---begin copied message---
The caller scholarship for RPDLW is up for grabs as the candidate just backed out. New deadline for applications will be this coming Thursday Dec 20, 2012.
If you know of anyone who would benefit from this opportunity please have them fill out the scholarship application found on the Neffa.org website.
Address any questions to Sandy at: strumma(a)aol.com<mailto:strumma%40aol.com> or call (603) 673-8497.
---end copied message---
Note that the musician scholarships are not open at this time.
Beth Parkes
Luke, I looked at the dances on your blog. I was surprised by Rory
and Juliet, with its turns once and a quarter and three quarters
around, since the last thing I would want to burden beginners with is
Here's a dance you can use. I call it my House Dance Special, since
I've often called it at dances held in houses, where there wasn't
room to do a Sicilian Circle.
House Dance Special
Jacob Bloom
Duple Improper Contra
Circle Left
Circle Right
Star Right
Star Left
Dosido partner
Swing partner (or two hand turn)
Dosido neighbor
Pass through, Dosido the next (or bow to the next)
>Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:11:13 -0500
>From: Luke Donforth <luke.donev(a)gmail.com>
>To: "Caller's discussion list" <callers(a)sharedweight.net>
>Subject: Re: [Callers] Questioning a sacred cow of contra dancing
> <CAFrKOZaEO=bCswNGQVwNdTzgr3mdMSEzActoCkMg1vmQX59ekg(a)mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Thanks John for the dances (and thanks to Greg & Ron for the groaners).
>Some of them I had as great candidates for One Night Stand dances.
>Something with a 1st corners/2nd corners wasn't what I had in mind here (as
>if you accidentally swapped role post swing, you'd suddenly have to
>remember you were a different number), but they're good dances.
>I've put up a few that I wrote to fit what I was looking for at my caller
>I'm not saying they're great (and they may not even be original), but
>they're in the spirit of what I was looking for (although even there the
>different roles will have different feels).
>Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing what others have to say.
I think usage and the folk process has led to yearn meaning head off as
a couple on the (left) diagonal towards a new couple then do what the
caller says, usually either back off straight so that they are your new
neighbours or back off on the next diagonal to make the next couple your
new neighbours.
We have slices, double slices and half slices as well.
I think this is similar to the way that you have to be careful whether
you say half a ladies' chain, a ladies' chain, or a full ladies' chain
depending on the context.
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a)modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent
Luke said " Something with a 1st corners/2nd corners wasn't what I had
in mind here (as if you accidentally swapped role post swing, you'd
suddenly have to remember you were a different number)".
Like Linda I always think of them as "right diagonals" and "left
diagonals" - it's not who you are, but where you are. So it should
work, but of course there are bound to be some confused people :-)
Linda asked for the timing of:
"A1/A2: Four Changes of Right & Left with Balances Forward & Back before
each one - Start Right with Partner"
Alan's response was spot on:
Finding Your Balance (by John Sweeney)
Contra; Becket (CW)
A1: Right hand Balance Forward & Back with Partner (4)
Pull by Partner, face Neighbour (4)
Left hand Balance Forward & Back with Neighbour (4)
Pull by Neighbour, face Partner (4)
A2: Repeat A1 from these places, finishing at home
B1: Balance the Ring; Men Cross
Balance the Ring; Ladies Cross
B2: Half Promenade
Yearn on the Left Diagonal to New Neighbours (Single
I use this dance with less experienced dancers when I want to do a dance
later in the session which has normal Right & Left Changes. The Balance
in this dance gives them more time to orientate themselves and get used
to going round a four person Grand Chain (Grand Right & Left) without
superfluous turns. I can get people to do a Grand Chain in a big
circle, then a Grand Chain in a three-couple circle, but as soon as I
reduce it to a two-couple circle some of them start turning the wrong
way as they pull by. :-)
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a)modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent
Fairly new caller, first time poster here. In calling, I know there are
many ways you have to change your perspective from being on the dance
floor. As a dancer, I've had those many wonderful moments when the music
is so good that it feels like the tune is carrying you. You lose
yourself in the music. Have there ever been times when the music has the
same effect on you as a caller? How do you handle it? Do you have
separate yourself from the feeling, or do you go with it? Or a bit of both?
Stephanie Marie Voncannon
It seems that one of the fundamental basics of contra dancing is that at
the end of a swing, the lady (or person dancing the traditional lady's
role) ends on the right.
I've been thinking about calling in situations with a high percentage of
new dancers, especially where gender ratios are off or deliberately being
I'm wondering about dances that still have the form of a longways contra
but where it doesn't matter who ends the swing where.
For instance:
Long Lines Yearn to the Left
With Neighbor across from you, DSD 1x
Circle L
Circle R
Star L
Star R
Partner DSD on side
Partner swing (or two hand turn), end facing across
If you and your partner switch who is on the right at the end of the swing,
it doesn't matter. You won't have to do any different moves, or
accidentally lose your partner.
It seems like if you want to avoid gendered rolls, you lose access to a
bunch of moves (chains and Neighbor swings coming to mind). The moves above
are valid, as are petronellas, allemandes, and promenades (R&L and heys
might technically work, but they're not ones I would shoot for in the
hypothetical situations I'm envisioning).
Does anyone out there have a collection of dances like this that they like?
Just a few months ago there was a discussion of some circle mixers for new
dancers (
which I found really useful; but I'd like to flesh out options for that
level of crowd that aren't mixers and are swing forgiving.
Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth(a)gmail.com <Luke.Donev(a)gmail.com>
Luke Donforth said "I'd like to flesh out options for that level of
crowd that aren't mixers and are swing forgiving".
For that crowd you can always challenge another sacred cow and don't
have swings! All these work well with beginner contra groups:
Family Contra (by Sherry Nevins)
Contra; Improper
A1: Balance the Ring x2; Circle Left
A2: Balance the Ring x2; Circle Right
B1: Neighbour Dosido; Partner Dosido
B2: As Couples Dosido 1 & 1/2 to a New Couple
Finding Your Balance (by John Sweeney)
Contra; Becket (CW)
A1/A2: Four Changes of Right & Left with Balances Forward & Back before
each one - Start Right with Partner
B1: Balance the Ring; Men Cross
Balance the Ring; Ladies Cross
B2: Half Promenade
Yearn on the Left Diagonal to New Neighbours
(Or First & Second Corners for the crossings if you want to avoid
Duck! (by John Sweeney)
Contra; Improper; Double Progression
A1: Neighbour Dosido
Neighbour Two Hand Turn - open into a circle
A2: Circle Left; Circle Right
B1: Men Dosido
Ladies Dosido
B2: Balance the Ring; #2s Arch, #1s Duck Through to New Circle
(Turn (as a couple) quickly if you have reached the end and join
in again straight away)
Balance the Ring; #2s Arch, #1s Duck Through to face New
(Or First & Second Corners for the Dosidos if you want to avoid gender)
(I had intended to alternate the arching - but having all the arches
come up the hall is easier for beginners.)
Jefferson & Liberty
Contra; Improper
A1: Circle Left
Circle Right
A2: Star Right
Star Left
B1: #1 Balance & Swing - finish facing down
B2: Down the Hall in Lines of Four; #1s Arch
#2s through the arch to face New Neighbours
(I think the original B1 was #1s Separate, go down the outside (8)
Come back up the outside and into the centre (8))
Happy dancing,
John Sweeney, Dancer, England john(a)modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent
Hey everyone,
I'd like to return to Michael's original thread, before it is forgotten.
The idea of posting our favorite 2 or 3 dances seems like a wonderful
chance to share resources and enrich our dance communities.
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Michael Fuerst <mjerryfuerst(a)yahoo.com>
> If you had to choose one or two or at most three ...