Nantucket Sleighride Kirston Koths
A1 N B&S 16
A2 D the Hall 4N Line 6
Turn Alone, Up hall 6
1s Hand Cast round 2s 4
(1s end below 2s)
B1 Ride the Waves (2X) 16
(1s Arch 2s back through) (try calling this through for a whole
(2s arch 1s back through) better to call 'Ride the
[View More]Waves')
B2 Part DSD 8
LH Star 8
This is one of my favorites! Interesting enough for
experienced dancers
A challenge for beginners and a heck of a lot of fun to
watch from the
See ya
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--- Rich wrote:
Wondering if anyone had a good 3 part contra.
--- end of quote ---
Depends on how strictly you're defining "contra." ;-)
Just last night I called "Waves of Tory," a 5 couple dance with a dip and dive
figure in it. Needs 96 beats. Works great with AABBCC, or, as we did, AABB
followed by AB of a change tune, and then back again. Suit yourself.
We had about 150 teenage camp counselors, and the dance worked well with them,
high energy, simple enough to teach quickly and lots …
[View More]of fun.
David Millstone
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Ran across this quote. This has to have some significance for callers.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
-- Albert Einstein
It's Duple Improper.
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Gale T. Wood" <Gale(a)>
> Hi
> On a recent calling expedition I attempted to call Chain the Hay by Becky Hill
> I copied the dance from the 16th Annual Ralph Page DLW syllabus Pg. 26
> Becket formation
> A1 DSD and Swing Neighbor
> A2 Gents Ala Left 1 œ
> Swing Part
> B1 Prom Across
> R&L Back
> B2 œ H44 (Women …
[View More]start pass Rt shoulder)
> Ladies Chain (face a new neighbor) (across???)
> The dance kept ending improper facing partner across set
> What is the missing key? Should there be a CL Ÿ to start?
> Or should there be a slide?
> (this was my first foray into the land of Beckets)
> Sounds like a very fun dance when it works
> Thanks
> Gale
> _______________________________________________
> Callers mailing list
> Callers(a)
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You've copied everything correctly from the syllabus, but the listing is erroneous. "Chain the Hey" is a duple improper contra. ... Bob
Robert Jon Golder
164 Maxfield St
New Bedford, MA 02740
(508) 999-2486
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Gale T. Wood" <Gale(a)>
> Hi
> On a recent calling expedition I attempted to call Chain the Hay by Becky Hill
> I copied the dance from the 16th Annual Ralph Page DLW …
[View More]syllabus Pg. 26
> Becket formation
> A1 DSD and Swing Neighbor
> A2 Gents Ala Left 1 œ
> Swing Part
> B1 Prom Across
> R&L Back
> B2 œ H44 (Women start pass Rt shoulder)
> Ladies Chain (face a new neighbor) (across???)
> The dance kept ending improper facing partner across set
> What is the missing key? Should there be a CL Ÿ to start?
> Or should there be a slide?
> (this was my first foray into the land of Beckets)
> Sounds like a very fun dance when it works
> Thanks
> Gale
> _______________________________________________
> Callers mailing list
> Callers(a)
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Of course my favorite has to be "Lady Walpole's Reel".
Lady Walpole's Reels
Improper Formation
(16) Neighbors balance and swing
(8) Active couples down the center
(8) Turn alone and return, cast off
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Ladies chain
(8) Promenade
(8) Right and left through
Not only is this a neighbor swing only dance, but it is one of those
"old chestnuts" that has been around for 200 + years. It is also one of
the first improper dances of the time.
A must dance to …
[View More]its signature tune...
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On a recent calling expedition I attempted to call Chain the Hay by Becky Hill
I copied the dance from the 16th Annual Ralph Page DLW syllabus Pg. 26
Becket formation
A1 DSD and Swing Neighbor
A2 Gents Ala Left 1 ½
Swing Part
B1 Prom Across
R&L Back
B2 ½ H44 (Women start pass Rt shoulder)
Ladies Chain (face a new neighbor) (across???)
The dance kept ending improper facing partner across set
What is the …
[View More]missing key? Should there be a CL ¾ to start?
Or should there be a slide?
(this was my first foray into the land of Beckets)
Sounds like a very fun dance when it works
[View Less]
Good call Karen! I've been calling that mixer at dances.
The 'experienced' dancers have groused a little, but calm down
once the dance has run through a couple of times.
The only thing I would caution against is letting the dance play to
Keep an eye on the clock!
Thanks Gale
Hi all!
I was wondering if you would mind sending me your favorite neighbor
swing only dances (no partner swing). I keep running into situations
where I have a high percentage of beginners who want to dance with each
other and it would help to have them practice the swing with experienced
people early in the evening instead of trying to do it with their partner.