Becky Hill published a dance in "The Rosenhill Collection"
called "Sadie, Sadie" -on page 38 of that collection. It is not the
dance you are talking about- but it does have the "slice" move and in
the comments it says:
The "slice" move is adapted from Paul Balliet's "Hey Man" published
in "Twirling Dervish Returns" (1997).
Google reveals "Hey Man" here, but there is no gypsy.
So either it's not your dance, or the caller subbed a gypsy meltdown
in for the balance and swing?
Alison Murphy in Memphis TN
-- mavis mcgaugh <yankeecalls(a)> wrote:
I checked Michael Dyck's website but didn't find
anything on this dance.
I think the name is Hey Gorgeous
it had a Full Hey for 4
a Partner Gypsy & Swing
I think the ending was ----
Circle Left 1x
left Diag forward & Back out [slice]
and don't know author. I didn't get to dance but
watched folks dancing and scribbled this much down
before it ended.
Mavis L McGaugh
510-814-8118 (answering machine-leave message)
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One of the questions Rickey asked was whether dancers would have trouble
with the sequence of circle, swing, circle a different amount, swing. I
don't think this is particularly confusing sequence, but there may be other
issues worth considering.
Cary Ravitz ( suggests that dances
with more than 32 counts of consecutive clockwise rotation should be
examined closely. This dance has exactly but not more than 32 counts of
same-direction movement.
I would avoid doing more than one or two such dances in an evening's program
because of potential dizziness and the wear on one's legs and arms of so
much motion in the same direction. Given that, I can see this particular
dance as a good "cruiser" requiring only a minimal (or no) walkthrough.
> 1. Bluemont Reel (Rickey)
> 2. Re: Bluemont Reel (David Millstone)
> 3. Re: [trad-dance-callers] Bluemont Reel (Goodwin Family)
> The Bluemont Reel (Warren Hofstra) duple improper
> possibly the first contra with circle 3/4 in it (rather than 1x or 1/2)
> A1 Circle left; Swing neighbor on the side of the set
> A2 Circle left 3/4; Swing partner on the side of the set,
> end the swing facing down
> B1 Down four in line, turn as couples; Up four in line
> B2 Ladies chain across; Long lines forward and back
> and yes, the version published in Zesty Contras was a little different:
> A1 Circle L 1/2, Sw Nbr
> A2 Circle L 3/4; Sw Pt
> B1 DH4inL, Turn as a Cple, bend the line
> B2 Wm Chain; R&L Thru
Hi Listers,
I have two versions of Bluemont Reel (one by Warren Hofstra), but it does
not seem possible that both can work. Do I have either version right? There
are some other questions peppered throughout.
Version 1 (Warren Hofstra)
(A1) Circle left ½ (4 counts ?)
Neighbor Swing (must be 12 counts?)
(A2) Circle left ¾ (do dancers have any problems going from the circle
½ to the circle ¾?)
Partner Swing (end facing down)
(B1) Down-thehall 4-in-line (Ones in the center???)
Turn as couples (Who???, ones only or split in the center into two couples)
Back (Hand cast?)
(B2) Ladys Chain (over but not back)
Long Lines Forward and Back
Version 2 (from Larry Jennings, Zesty Contras)
The only difference seems to be in B2. My version 2 reads
Ladys Chain (over but not back)
Right and left 4 (over but not back)
As I have them, both versions cannot work.
Rickey Holt
There was quite a bit of discussion a while back about this dance on the
trad-dance-caller list. Here's what emerged:
The Bluemont Reel (Warren Hofstra) duple improper
possibly the first contra with circle 3/4 in it (rather than 1x or 1/2)
A1 Circle left; Swing neighbor on the side of the set
A2 Circle left 3/4; Swing partner on the side of the set,
end the swing facing down
B1 Down four in line, turn as couples; Up four in line
B2 Ladies chain across; Long lines forward and back
and yes, the version published in Zesty Contras was a little different:
A1 Circle L 1/2, Sw Nbr
A2 Circle L 3/4; Sw Pt
B1 DH4inL, Turn as a Cple, bend the line
B2 Wm Chain; R&L Thru
Just as a minor note to others on this list, please avoid using special
characters for fractions-- they don't translate equally to all machines. Thanks!
David Millstone
I would say the progression happens in A1, with the allemande 1 1/2 the ones
are now below the twos. You end A1 in the progressed position and, except
for a brief visit with the next neighbors, you continue to interact with the
original neighbors throughout the sequence. The chase ends in the same
place, ones below their original neighbors.
The progression is standard; ones move down, twos move up. The flirt/chase
could happen with either set of neighbors, but I prefer how it is written
-- up around the original neighbors rather than down around the next
neighbors. The interaction with the next neighbors in A2 is potentially
confusing, so a teaching point at the beginning might be to have dancers
locate their current neighbor and find their next neighbor, and say you will
briefly interact with the next neighbor at one point in the dance.
"Swing-obsessed" and "everybody-must-be-active" dancers may find the "lady
round two and gent drop through" figure to be unsatisfying. If you as the
caller set the tone for this figure to be fun, this sentiment won't
predominate. If you as the caller equivocate or are unclear, you may hear
from those folks I mention. I like how Kathy Anderson teaches "hooks" and
unusual figures with the attitude "now here's the fun part!"
One other note: a demonstration of the "lady round two..." figure is worth
much more than any description. And the twos have lots of opportunities to
flirt throughout this figure as well.
Good luck!
> A1:
> Circle left
> Allemande right neighbor 1-1/2
> A2:
> Allemande left next neighbor once or 2x
> Gypsy 1x
> Ending gypsy below original neighbor, women facing out and men facing
> in
> B1:
> Chase "lady round two and the gent cut through; gent around two and
> the lady cut through"
> Active woman walks in a clockwise direction around the inactive
> couple above while the active man follows her until he can (and
> does!) cut through the inactive couple.
> The man now walks clockwise around the couple above, while the woman
> follows until she can and does cut through the couple.
> B2
> Actives balance & swing, end facing down
> I tried diagramming it and it seems like a backward progression? At
> the end of A2 it has progressed, but during the chase it goes
> backwards 2x so you end up with 1's/actives out at the top and
> 2's/inactives out at the bottom.
> Has anyone danced and or called this dance- is it supposed to be a
> backward progression?
> If I change it minutely, having the #1/active man in the chase
> sequence go around the same couple he just split- in other words
> moving him around the couple below rather than the next couple above-
> then it seems to work out as a single progression. If I called it
> with this change, does etiquette demand that I announce the change?
> So grateful to have found this list- I was looking at another dance
> wondering how to do a "come back cozy" into a cloverleaf and had
> given up finding the info- until I found this list with the Squeaking
> Wheel thread! Thanks!
> Thanks in advance!
> Alison Murphy
> Memphis TN
> --
> Jerome Grisanti
> 660-528-0858
> 660-528-0714
I checked Michael Dyck's website but didn't find
anything on this dance.
I think the name is Hey Gorgeous
it had a Full Hey for 4
a Partner Gypsy & Swing
I think the ending was ----
Circle Left 1x
left Diag forward & Back out [slice]
and don't know author. I didn't get to dance but
watched folks dancing and scribbled this much down
before it ended.
Mavis L McGaugh
510-814-8118 (answering machine-leave message)
Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Try it now.
Oh awesome! I get it now- she goes *all the way around* he goes 1/2
way and cuts through back to where he started, then they reverse
roles. Makes sense! Thank you so much for explaining it!
Alison Murpy
Memphis TN
-- "Chris Page" <chriscpage(a)> wrote:
I think the confusion here is understanding the "lady around two and
gent cuts through." The net effect of this sequence is the ones trade
places with their partner. Since it's done twice, they go
And since it ends with a balance and swing, even if they get lost in
the B1, you just need to remind them to end where they started --
with their partner.
(The lady around two and the gent cuts through means woman #1
goes outside around man #2, around woman #2, and into where
her partner started. Man #1 follows his partner to her starting spot,
around man #2, and then goes between the twos into his partner's
staring spot. Think of the whole B1 as a chase sequence, where you
trade off roles between the chaser and the chasee.)
-Chris Page
San Diego
The "lady round two and the gent cut through" figure appears in Appalachian
square dancing. Ted Sannella was the first choreographer, to my knowledge, to
bring that figure into a contra dance with his New Friendship Reel, published in
his "Swing the Next" collection, which I highly recommend, along with his
"Balance and Swing," to anyone interested in developing their repertoire of
dances. Both were published by and available from Country Dance and Song
David Millstone
Lebanon, NH
Re: "Chasing Fire"
gives a web source of
I have yet to dance/call this one, so any recommendation
is conditional.
I'm thinking of changing the order of men and women
crossing in the A2, as men are going forward out
of the swing, but haven't made up my mind yet.
-Chris Page
San Diego