[Callers] Larks and Robins

karl ksenseman at fastmail.fm
Sat Aug 3 14:29:40 PDT 2019

While I must admit that of all the gender neutral terms that I've seen 
passed around I prefer larks and ravens. First choice is still men and 
ladies but it is mostly up to the community. Now comes larks or robins 
for some reasonable concerns. What do we do if we are to use robins and 
call a dance with a 'mad' robin? Not that it might be confusing for the 
dancer in the robin roll but are we not now describing the person in the 
robin roll as an angry dancer? I'm sure someone will consider it some 
type of derogatory reflection.  It seems as though whatever terms one 
might use, someone will be offended. At sometime we must realize that 
the terms we use are not used to degrade or humiliate anyone and that 
reasonable people can come to reasonable solutions if they choose to.


On 8/2/19 7:06 PM, John Sweeney via Callers wrote:
> I wish people who document dances on the forum would not write things 
> like “ladies’/robins’ chain”.  We all know what you mean if you say 
> either “ladies’ chain” or “robins’ chain”. You don’t need to say 
> both.  Trying to parse a dance with extra words scattered throughout 
> it can be very confusing.
> As a member of the AAAA (Association for the Abolition of the Aberrant 
> Apostrophe) I always appreciate a “Ladies’ Chain”.
> I also use Men and Ladies almost exclusively since I find those to be 
> the clearest words to use over a PA.  If I do need to use other words 
> occasionally for a specific community, then I am unlikely to use 
> “Larks” as it is too much like “Ladies” but means the person in the 
> traditional Man’s role!
>          Happy dancing,
> John
> John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 
> 07802 940 574
> http://contrafusion.co.uk/KentCeilidhs.html for Live Music Ceilidhs
> http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent
> http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive DVDs
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