[Callers] Contras for One Nighters

Martha Wild via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Mar 5 19:22:23 PST 2016

At one nighters I start with non-contra dances and if there is time work up to Family Contra which is a good one for easy progression, and then to this one:

Ellen’s Green Jig by Roy Dommett (doesn’t matter if it’s proper or improper)

A1 Do-si-do neighbor
	Ones do-si-do
A2 Ones balance (sometimes I have them do it twice) and swing (if they do it twice I have them 2 hand turn) and face down (and it doesn’t matter which side they end on, it can still work)
B1 Circle left with twos, circle right back to where you started the circle (important point, once a foursome ended up facing across instead of up and down and did the B2 part across the set - and that does not work)
B2 Keeping hands, Duck for the oyster figure (Ones duck under twos' arch, twos duck under ones' arch, ones pass through twos and face new neighbors

This was the dance I went to when I called for about 200 girls at a Catholic girl’s school and wanted dances where gender roles wouldn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter if people end up on the other side of the set after they swing, they’ll just eventually do-si-do whoever they come to so it works.

> On Mar 5, 2016, at 10:44 AM, Rich Sbardella via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> I rarely call a contra at a One Night Party Dance, but occasionally I am asked to.  I have a few in my cards, but can anyone make some sure fire recommendations.
> Assume 95%-100% non dancers.
> Thanks, Rich
> Stafford, CT
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