[Callers] Another Existential Inquiry

Tom Hinds via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Thu Jul 28 06:47:10 PDT 2016

I suspect that many callers have what Bob Dalsemer labeled  
"danceritis".  The term he should have used is dancerphopia i.e. fear  
of dancers or more specifically of what dancers might think of the  

I often see new callers who are afraid of calling programs that will  
bore the experienced dancers.  I'm sure having two swings in every  
dance is a result of trying to please the dancers as well.

Please don't be afraid to call some dances in your program that don't  
have two swings.  They won't hate you!!!!!!!!

A program that consists of all contras with two swings is VERY  
predictable and predictable programs can lead to boredom.

Surprise them!


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