[Callers] Another Existential Inquiry

John Sweeney via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Thu Jul 28 05:07:46 PDT 2016

I completely agree with the others who have responded.  The world needs more
dances with fewer swings.  I love swinging but I love other moves as well.

If a dance has something like "Partner Balance & Swing, Circle Left 3/4,
Neighbour Swing" then my immediate reaction is that that is half the dance
gone already and it has nothing interesting in it.  We've all done that a
thousand times.  Let's have some variety!

Once you break out of the need for two swings in a dance you can use the
space to create much more interesting choreography.

Happy dancing,

John Sweeney, Dancer, England john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent

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